About Our School

We are RESILIENT, We show RESPECT and, We PERSEVERE towards SUCCESS. These four key values, known as ‘The Willetton Way’, underpin Willetton Primary School's vision to develop the whole child to succeed in an ever-changing world and are reflected in the school’s motto: Inspiring Young Minds.

Willetton Primary School is a high achieving school of choice, offering educational opportunities for Kindergarten to Year 6 students. Located in the southern suburbs of Perth, trees surround the buildings and play areas, including large grassed areas and extensive nature play areas. The student and parent community reflect a diverse cultural background, which adds richness to the school in all aspects of school life. The school comprises 38 different nationalities with 48 languages other than English spoken within the community.

A highly experienced and confident teaching staff is ably assisted by support staff in providing a safe and secure environment which challenges students in all learning areas. Student achievement exceeds the National Minimum Standards and compares favourably with like schools in the yearly NAPLAN assessments.

We provide students the opportunity to participate and excel in a number of subjects and areas including specialist classes for music, physical education, science and Indonesian. Students are given the chance to take part in a number of extracurricular activities including senior choir, instrumental music and, before school and interschool sports.

Willetton Primary School is committed to a contemporary approach to learning to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the digital world including explicit instruction on digital citizenship and cyber-safety. All classrooms are equipped with interactive display screens and desktop computers, and students in year 3-6 are given the opportunity to participate in a 1:1 BYOD iPad program.