Ways to Contribute

Your P&C is registered with community based fundraising programs. Please see below for further information on how you can support your local community and your school.


You can donate directly to Willetton Primary School via the WPS P&C.

Donations can be made directly to the bank account details below:

Account Name: Willetton Primary School Parents and Citizens Association

BSB: 736-081

Account: 070044

Your Reference: Parent or child's name


Containers for Change

Our P&C scheme ID is C10338267. If you would like to donate to the school by recycling your plastic and glass bottles please head to a recycling centre. The closest to our school is 3 Moonie St, Willetton.


Secondhand Uniforms

If you have old, outgrown uniforms and don’t know what to do with them then donate them to the P&C!  A blue bin is located behind the office. Donated items can be purchased for a $2-$5 per item donation to the P&C.